2015 Guest Speaker
Wan Biyu, Doctorate of Engineering, Vice Chairman, International Standardization Organization (ISO) smart city infrastructure measurement sub Technical Committee.Dr. Wan received his Doctorate Degree from Kobe University, Japan, and specializes in spatial information technology, artificial intelligence, and networking and other IT related research. Wan Biyu has served as director of the overseas division in Japan Dawn Group, a researcher in Kobe University, and was a recipient of the Grants-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) grant by the Japanese Ministry of Education. He is vice-chairman of the Technical Committee of the International Standards Organization ISO TC268 SC1, and Head of the International Standards Organization IEC SEG1. He is also an adjunct professor of The Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications and a guest lecturer at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His main areas of specialization are smart cities, theories and policies concerning urban science, and standardization and international cooperation.