Dr. Ruicheng Li, joined SAPheadquarter in Germany in 1994, ismanaging SAP Labs China in 6 Locations Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Xi’an, Chengduas Senior Vice President, MD of SAP Labs China. Prior to this position, Dr. Li has been responsible for SAP HCM Product Development as Global Vice President. He has managed teams in 8 countries like China, Germany, Brazil, India, Russia, Czech, Hungary and Dubai. Dr. Li has been worked in several countries like Germany, Singapore and China. He has rich experiences in managing international teams with multi-cultural background. Dr. Li has taken different roles in large degrees of diversity at SAP in several countries: Vice President for North Asia, Director for Business Development for Asia Pacific in area for Government, Defense, Healthcare and Higher Education, Senior Product Development Manager for European Countries, Product Development Manager for Asia Pacific, Quality Manager for Asia Pacific and Project Manager for large applications. He is instrumental to set up business in public sector for Asia Pacific and to develop business application solution for HCM country versions and as well as for Public sector for Asia Pacific. Dr. Li is also a co-founder of Society for Chinese Physicists in Germany and was leading the society as Chairman and spokesman. He was also editor for Physical magazine published by this society. He holds PhD in Physics from University Stuttgart/Germany (斯图加特大学). Prior to the PhD Study, Dr. Li was working as scientist at Max-Planck Institute in Mainz/Germany (马普研究所). He has finished his master study in Technical University Berlin (柏林技术大学) in 1988 under the scholarship of the German DAAD and graduated as Bachelor at Technological University Beijing in 1983(北京理工大学). He has publishedarticles in several famous international science magazines such as surface science. He owns patents in software developments.During his employment, he has received several awards such as president awards due to his outstanding performance.